Thursday, 23 March 2017


 Integrity Person :
My integrity person is Bonny....

She is always sitting up. She is always handing her work in on time. She is a good roll model. I am always looking up to her and she is also always looking  up to do jobs. She is a good friend.


Gymnastics Competition:
       A young teenage girl walked onto the stage, her auburn hair swaying gently as she walked. “Hello everyone are you gymnast out there ready to warm up.” “ Yes!” Everyone screamed!! We all started scrambling down the stairs. “ Ok let's start with splits.” All I could hear was the painful screams and ouches!!

Pit a pit pita pat as everyone scrambled up the steps. Time for the competition.  My heart is pounding. What's going to happen?...

I jumped into a glide swing on the bars. Alright last bit of my routine hope it goes well. I did it perfectly. My head went black when I was doing my last trick.I thought that was actually easy I smiled.I had 5 more things to do beam,vault,floor,double miniand finally tramp. I could feel my hands trembling with fear. “ Can everyone please come down to the stage for prizegiving.” “Let's give out all the participation awards Ella Devaliant Olivia Van Boven...

Goals 2017


Maths: My goal for math this term is... To be able to get into the top group for math and be able to do all my times tables. Also to get more medals in mathletics.

Writing:My goal for writing this term is... To use juicer words and to hook the reader in and use punctuation in the correct places.

Spelling: My goal for spelling this term is... To get to list L.4. My goal for the end of the year is to get to R.4.

Reading: My goal for reading this term is... To be able to complete the reading  log and to read some harder books.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

About Me 2017!!

                        About me 2017😆
 Inducing... Ella Devaliant I am 10 years old.
My Favorite sport is: Netball
The other sports I do are: Swimming, Gymnastics, Aerobics,Touch, Mini ball.
 My Favorite foods are: Sweets, avocado, bagels, ice cream, shortbread.
 My Friends are:Gracie, Izzy, Lily, Summer, Hannah,Bonny.
 Things I Like: Fashion, makeup, jewelry, Love Reading.
My Favorite subjects are: Reading and Writing.
I am looking forward too: All the opportunity's I can take up.